Private Sessions

Somatic Parts Work, Astrology, Tarot, and Integrative Sessions

Somatic Parts Work

Have you ever said, “A part of me wants… but another part of me…”? Well, that’s the natural seed of parts work.

Parts work embraces the intuitive understanding that we all have many parts, and that our parts often want different—and sometimes conflicting—things.

These parts often live outside of our cognitive awareness, and may drive us to behave in ways that are confusing, contrary to our perceived desires, and painful for ourselves or others.

Parts work also holds that we all have a loving, integrated, and compassionate Essential Self. This Self is not a part, but our true nature.

In our sessions, I facilitate a somatic and trauma-informed process for you to bring your own Essential Self to your tender parts so that they may experience deep healing and expansiveness. All you have to do is show up.

Single sessions can be powerful on their own, while ongoing work can be a pathway to deep and resonant healing and expansion. You can book individual sessions or bundles of four, and weave focused parts work into our integrative sessions.

My work as a facilitator draws upon my own experience and trainings in Internal Family Systems (IFS), Integrative Somatic Parts Work, and Somatic Attachment Therapy. These modalities have been transformative for me and I am honored to share their gifts with you.

Tarot Readings

The tarot contains a spectrum of archetypes that offer endless reflections of our inner and invisible realms.

In our readings, we will call upon the cards and all that they spark in you to help you gain access to your intuitive knowing and deepest wisdom.

Tarot readings are particularly supportive for working with particular questions, areas of stuckness, decisions that need to be made, and relational dynamics. They are also powerful as open-ended check-ins on a regular basis, at endings and beginnings, or during times of great change.

You may book individual tarot readings, a bundle of four, or weave them into our ongoing Integrative Sessions.

Astrology Readings

Astrology is an ancient portal to our inner mysteries, healing, and transformative powers.

Our readings begin with a deep dive into your natal chart, which is a reflection of the sky the moment you were born.

Together, we will approach it as a treasure map revealing insights about your essential self, your soul’s deepest callings, your emotional life, your relationship needs and style, your identity, your career, your healing work, and just about anything else you want to explore.

Once we are both familiar with your chart, we can look at the current astrology and how it may be influencing your life in this moment.

You may book individual astrology readings, a bundle of four, or weave them them into ongoing Integrative Sessions. You may also participate in monthly new moon circles or subscribe to new moon readings.

Integrative Sessions

Integrative Sessions are designed for folks who want ongoing support for their healing and evolutionary journeys.

In these sessions, I hold safe, trauma-informed, grounding, and nonjudgmental space for you to access your inherent wisdom and bring its loving presence to whatever is arising for you.

Our work together begins with in-depth tarot and/or astrology readings to unpack the elements of your life that most want attention.

In following sessions, I will guide you into the wilderness of you through some combination of somatic parts work, guided visualizations, freewriting, tarot, astrology, herbal allies, and embodiment practices.

In the process, you will cultivate a safe space to relate with parts of yourself that have been dwelling outside of your awareness for a long time. By offering your compassionate presence to these exiled parts, you may relieve them of long-held burdens and release the creative energy pulsing at their core.

If you’re interested in working with me in this capacity, I recommend beginning with a four-session bundle or a free consultation.
